@INPROCEEDINGS{glendinning_et_al22, ADDRESS = {Porto}, AUTHOR = {Irene Glendinning; Sonja Bjelobaba; Salim Razi; Shivadas Sivasubramaniam; Sumayyia Dawood Marar; Muaawia Ahmed Hamza; Laura Ribeiro; Robin Crockett; Burcu Özge Razi; Ghazaleh Gholami9}, BOOKTITLE = {Book of abstracts: Ethics and integrity in the changing world}, DOI = {}, EDITOR = {}, ISBN = {}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {43-47}, PUBLISHER = {}, TITLE = {Strengths and weaknesses of peer review: Enhancing integrity and professional standards in publications}, YEAR = {2022} URL = {https://academicintegrity.eu/conference/proceedings/2022/glendinning_et_al22.pdf} }