@INPROCEEDINGS{khanEtAl18b, ADDRESS = {Ephesus}, AUTHOR = {Khan, Zeenath Reza and Khelalfa, Halim and Sarabdeen, Jawahitha and Hemnani, Priyanka and Raheja, Sanjana}, BOOKTITLE = {Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond -- Conference programme & book of abstracts}, DOI = {}, EDITOR = {Glandinning, Irene and Razı, Salim and Foltýnek, Tomáš}, ISBN = {978-605-2149-20-1}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {110}, PUBLISHER = {Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University}, TITLE = {Paving the way for an higher ed academic integrity policy review in the UAE}, YEAR = {2018} URL = {http://academicintegrity.eu/conference/proceedings/2019/khanEtAl18b.pdf} }