@INPROCEEDINGS{kiraly17, ADDRESS = {Brno}, AUTHOR = {Kir{\’{a}}ly, G{\’{a}}bor and G{\’{e}}ring, Zsuzsanna and Chandler, Nicholas and Miskolczi, P{\’{e}}ter and Lovas, Yvette and Kov{\’{a}}cs, Kinga and Csillag, S{\’{a}}ra}, BOOKTITLE = {Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond -- Conference Proceedings}, DOI = {}, EDITOR = {}, ISBN = {978-80-7509-493-3}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {147--171}, PUBLISHER = {Mendel University}, TITLE = {Parallel universes: cheating at the university. Comparing lecturers’ and students’ understanding of student cheating}, YEAR = {2017} URL = {http://academicintegrity.eu/conference/proceedings/2017/Kiraly_Parallel.pdf} }