@INPROCEEDINGS{sivasubramaniam_et_al21_A, ADDRESS = {Brno}, AUTHOR = {Shiva D. Sivasubramaniam; Zeenath Reza Khan; Salim Razı}, BOOKTITLE = {Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies, and the Role of Students}, DOI = {}, EDITOR = {Bjelobaba Sonja; Foltýnek Tomáš; Glendinning Irene; Krásničan Veronika; Henek Dlabolová Dita}, ISBN = {978-3-031-16975-5}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {155-156}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Cham}, TITLE = {Comparative Study of Openly Accessible Ethical Policies and Processes Across Four Universities to Understand Their Disciplinary Level Focus}, YEAR = {2021} URL = {https://academicintegrity.eu/conference/proceedings/2021/sivasubramaniam_et_al21_A.pdf} }