Based on an open Learning Management System (LMS), an open educational framework towards promotion of academic integrity has been designed and developed for internal purposes at the University of Nicosia. The educational framework has been designed based on principles of constructivism and promotes active involvement of the learners in order to develop skills and competences that prevent plagiarism. Gamification has also been employed in the learning process. The open educational resources include presentations, self-assessment tools, videos, serious games etc. The structure of the open educational framework is based on three main axes. First, there is emphasis on providing information on plagiarism in many directions and in many different formats to cover different learning schemes. The second axis includes activities that support assessment or self-assessment processes. Finally, the third axis focuses on the evaluation of the learning process of the proposed open educational environment. Based on this experience we propose a workshop that will encompass concepts and best practices of the design and development of an online course on Academic Integrity.
Designing and developing an online course for Academic Integrity
Published: 25.06.2019