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Typical weaknesses in AI generated texts

Published: 26.11.2024

Detection tools and large language models are undergoing such rapid and mutually reinforcing development processes that the use of generative AI in take-home assignments cannot usually be proven. More important than the question of whether generative AI has been used – even when prohibited – in writ

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A Guide to Identifying Predatory Journals and Publishers - Checklist

Published: 15.04.2024

This checklist is designed to guide researchers and authors in identifying potential predatory journals and/or publishers. Predatory journals and publishers are a concerning phenomenon in academic publishing. Identifying potentially predatory, poor quality or disreputable publishers / jou

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Paraphrase Practice

Published: 04.12.2019

This exercise is provided as an example and the given original text can and should easily bereplaced with a text which fits into the context of your subject matter. The exercise isintended to be used to support students in developing good paraphrasing skills. It addressesalso typical errors which ar

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Where is the borderline between poor academic practice and plagiarism?

Published: 22.06.2018

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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Citace a práce se zdroji

Published: 30.09.2020

Materiál určený pro samostudium, pro distanční výuku.Je tvořený prezentací, která se odkazuje na dalšá konkrétní volně dostupné zdroje, které si studenti sami dostudují - konkrétní kapitol

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Academic Integrity in Space

Published: 27.10.2020

Promote Academic Integrity and Policy 60 education through game play with the AIO's new resource: Academic Integrity in Space! Students go head-to-head with Captain Plague and the League of the Unearned to learn about academic integrity and to earn certificates from the planets Ethica, Originon, and

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Onde é a fronteira entre uma prática académica pobre e plágio?

Published: 19.08.2019

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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Typische Schwächen KI-generierter Texte

Published: 26.11.2024

Detektionstools und Large Language Models befinden sich in einem so rasanten und gegenseitig befruchtenden Weiterentwicklungsprozess, dass die Nutzung von generativer künstlicher Intelligenz beim Verfassen von Texten in der Regel nicht nachgewiesen werden kann. Wichtiger als die Frage, ob generative

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Merkblatt zur Vermeidung von Contract Cheating für Studierende

Published: 26.11.2024

Deutsche Übersetzung des Merkblatts "Avoiding Contract Cheating Student Tip Sheet".

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Contract Cheating: Kurzleitfaden für Lehrende

Published: 26.11.2024

Kurzleitfaden für Lehrende zum Thema Contract Cheating. Deutsche Übersetzung des "Contract Cheating: A Quick Guide for Staff" der University of Manchester, UK.

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