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Praxisbeispiel: Anerkennung im Team

Published: 27.07.2019

Zielgruppe: Studenten; Pädagogen, Lehrer; Personen in Erziehung, Ausbildung und (Hoch-)Schulen Inhalt: Der Geschäftsleitung wird ein neues Konzept vorgestellt, ohne dessen eigentliche Entwicklerin zu nennen Lernziele: Folgen anhand verschiedener Perspektiven abschätzen können

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Praxisbeispiel: Rache ist süß

Published: 27.07.2019

Zielgruppe: Jura-Studierende; Studierende allgemein Inhalt: Konsequenzen von akademischem Fehlverhalten (Contract Cheating) im späteren Beruf Lernziele: mögliche Spätfolgen von Prüfungsbetrug kennen, die Glaubwürdigkeit eines Betrügers in der Berufswelt abschät

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What is the purpose of in-text citations? After all I am giving a full reference list!

Published: 19.07.2019

An expert provided an answer on a tricky question on academic integrity. It was previously published in regular ENAI newsletter (June 7th, 2019). This time we bring an answer on a quite common cheeky student question. A ready-to-use answer was prepared by dr Shiva Sivasubramaniam from Universi

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What can I do if my colleagues ignore student cheating?

Published: 19.07.2019

An expert provided an answer on a tricky question on academic integrity. It was previously published in regular ENAI newsletter (April 10th, 2019). The answer for all teachers who observe their colleagues not dealing with student cheating properly was prepared by dr Irene Glendinning from Cove

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What can I do if my work has been plagiarised?

Published: 19.07.2019

An expert provided an answer on a tricky question on academic integrity. It was previously published in the regular ENAI newsletter (February 11th, 2019). In this newsletter we bring a word of advice for an extremely unpleasant situation: "What can I do when my work has been plagiarised by someone

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What percentage of plagiarism is acceptable?

Published: 19.07.2019

An expert provided an answer on a tricky question on academic integrity. It was previously published in regular ENAI newsletter (December 10th, 2018). This is a question that I am often asked, as I have been testing so-called plagiarism detection systems since 2004. This question shows a three-fold

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What To Do When: My students ask me why should they bother about rules of academic practice

Published: 19.07.2019

An expert provided an answer on a tricky question on academic integrity. It was previously published in the regular ENAI newsletter (October 14th, 2018). Many teachers in academia have faced following question from their students: "After I graduate, I want to work as a teacher / a marketing&nb

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Contract cheating: the promises, the realities and opportunities for detection

Published: 19.07.2019

Talk on Contract Cheating by Prof Wendy Sutherland Smith and Dr Penny Pitt at Coventry University on 12th June 2019. Length: 90 minutes  

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Πραγματικό Παράδειγμα: Μια φορά hacker, πάντα hacker!

Published: 16.07.2019

Summary: Συνέπειες ακαδημαϊκής ανεντιμότητας που επανεμφανίζετ&al

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Real Life Example: Once a hacker, always a hacker!

Published: 16.07.2019

This document is a real life example illustrating importance of the values of academic integrity in professional life. It was created as a part of Toolkit for cross-sector cooperation in terms of academic integrity within Erasmus+ project. It is a ready-to-use case study accompanied with

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