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Pouring ALE on contract cheating. Recent developments in strategies to tackle ghostwriting and Essay Mills using Assessment design, Legal approaches and stakeholder Education

Published: 09.07.2019

Phil Newton‘s Keynote speech about legal approaches to contract cheating and a panel discussion on contract cheating. Speech at 3rd international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2017 (24th-26th May 2017, Brno, Czech Republic). Video link: https://www.youtub

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Plagiarism is Everywhere: Detecting and Reporting Plagiarism in Predatory Journals

Published: 07.07.2019

Jeffrey Beall's Keynote speech about  the current state pf predatory journals and publishers in the context of plagiarism and intellectual property theft. Speech at 3rd international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2017 (24th-26th May 2017, Brno, Czech Republic). Vide

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Accepting the Unacceptable: Why Percentages are not your Friend

Published: 06.07.2019

James Bennett's speech about the text-matching systems and their correct use. Speech at 3rd international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2017 (24th-26th May 2017, Brno, Czech Republic). Video link: Length: 20 mi

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Evidence-based responses to contract cheating

Published: 05.07.2019

Tracey Bretag's Keynote speech about ground-breaking data from two large Australia-wide surveys – oneof students and one of teaching staff – which explored attitudes toward and experiences withstudents’ use of third parties to complete assessment, and related teaching and lear

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Plagiarism, Copyright Law and the Myth of Originality

Published: 05.07.2019

Matej Myska‘s Keynote speech about copyright (author s rights) in the current continental Law. Speech at 2nd international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2015 (10th-11th June 2015, Brno, Czech Republic). Video link:

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Enacting academic integrity - it takes courage

Published: 05.07.2019

Tracey Ann Bretag‘s Keynote speech about why the virtue of courage is critical for both individuals and academic communities to uphold academic integrity. Speech at 2nd international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2015 (10th-11th June 2015, Brno, Czech Republic). Vi

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Shaking Things Up

Published: 05.07.2019

Teddi Fishman's Keynote speech about how innovative ideas and approaches ranging from Improvisational Comedy to Behavioral Economics might be applied to the most intransigent academic integrity challenges. Speech at 2nd international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2015 (10th-11

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Na akademickou etiku není nikdy příliš brzy!

Published: 04.07.2019

Workshop o akademické etice pro středoškolské učitele Poznámka: tento workshop je dostupný v angličtině také jako webinář „Integrity as a classroom”. Osnova workshopu 1. Plagiátorství a akademická etika Cí

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Autorské právo v práci učitele

Published: 04.07.2019

Používání materiálů jiných autorů, a sdílení vlastních materiálů s využitím licencí Creative Commons. Motivace: Chci správně používat materiály jiných autorů. Chci jednoduše sdí

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Prevention of plagiarism in computer graphics projects

Published: 02.07.2019

Workshop participants will get an inspiration on how to limit plagiarism in a series of graphic projects aimed at verifying students’ skills in areas of vector, raster and 3D graphics. The inspiration is based on many years` experience from the course Computer Graphics taught at the Faculty of

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