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Real-life example: Predatory journals practices
Published: 24.10.2019
Basic information Target audience: Higher education students (any level of studies). Summary: To alert scholars, especially novice authors, about unethical behaviour from journals and to recommend procedures and policies to be followed. Objective: To offer some guidance for authors and highligh
Primer iz resničnega življenja: Nezaupanje (poslovna etika)
Published: 19.10.2019
Ta dokument je primer iz resničnega življenja in prikazuje pomen akademske integritete v profesionalnem življenju.Pripravljen je bil kot del Orodja za medsektorsko sodelovanje v smislu akademske integritete (Toolkit for crosssector cooperation in terms of academic integrity) znotraj Erasmus+ projekt
Esempio di vita reale: Impianto per l'allevamento dei rettili
Published: 19.10.2019
Questo documento è un esempio di vita reale che illustra l‘importanza dei valori dell‘integrità accademica nella vita professionale. È stato creato come parte di un kit di strumenti per la cooperazione intersettoriale in termini di integrità accademica nell&rs
Günlük Yaşamdan Bir Örnek: Fevri Bir Karar
Published: 19.10.2019
Bu belge, akademik dürüstlük değerlerinin profesyonel yaşamdaki önemini gösteren, günlük yaşamdan bir örnektir. Bu, ayrıca Erasmus+ projesi dahilinde sektörler arası işbirliğin akademik dürüstlük üzerine yapılmış olduğu Toolkit'in bir
Günlük Yaşamdan bir Örnek: Ne Ekersen Onu Biçersin
Published: 19.10.2019
Bu belge, akademik dürüstlük değerlerinin profesyonel yaşamdaki önemini gösteren, günlük yaşamdan bir örnektir.Bu belge, Erasmus+ projesi dahilinde Toolkit for cross-sector cooperation in terms of academic integrity’nin bir parçasıdır. Dida
Scientific integrity
Published: 23.09.2019
Review:This video was created by medical students in a curricular unit called “academic integrity” under the coordination of a teacher who launched a “video challenge” to promote academic/scientific integrity. The main statement is: “Science is a beautiful gift to huma
Dov’è il limite del plagio?
Published: 23.09.2019
Plagio vs. Buone pratiche di citazione Struttura del seminario: Esempi di plagio Definizioni di plagio e disonestà accademica Giudizio dei casi Ragioni di plagio Discussione
Policies and Actions of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Bodies to Counter Corruption in Higher Education
Published: 17.09.2019
Corruption is ubiquitous and diverse in higher education, affecting every part of the world to some extent. It includes unethical, inappropriate, sometimes illegal practices and corruption breaches academic integrity. The report Policies and Actions of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Bodies to
Landscape Analysis - The Changing Academic Publishing Industry – Implications for Academic Institutions
Published: 17.09.2019
Academic publishing is undergoing a major transition as some of its leaders are moving from a content-provision to a data analytics business followed by a change in the product mix that they are selling across academic institutions, which is expanding beyond journals and textbooks to include researc
The rise of ghost-written dissertations
Published: 17.09.2019
Academic corruption is not limited to undergraduate level education in colleges and universities. Corruption exists in doctoral education as well. While the former receives the lion’s share of all the attention of scholars specialising in educational corruption, the latter remains under-resear