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Designing and developing an online course for Academic Integrity

Published: 25.06.2019

Based on an open Learning Management System (LMS), an open educational framework towards promotion of academic integrity has been designed and developed for internal purposes at the University of Nicosia. The educational framework has been designed based on principles of constructivism and promotes

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Benefiting from anonymous multi mediated writing model to avoid Plagiarism

Published: 25.06.2019

Plagiarism is simply defined as using other people’s ideas or words without citing appropriately and as novice authors, students either undergraduate or graduate, are under the risk of being accused of plagiarism more than the others. A text-matching software aims to help writing instructors d

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Plagiarism prevention – What can librarians do?

Published: 25.06.2019

We invite library staff (and staff from other research support services) to reflect, discuss and get to know their (potential) role regarding plagiarism prevention. Libraries may contribute already by offering courses and other educational measures such as “how to find sources”, “l

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Template for ENAI real-life examples

Published: 21.06.2019

Purpose of this document is to provide scaffolding for building ready-to-use real-life examples on academic integrity. The real-life example is composed of a document with the story and explanatory and didactical notes; and of a presentation to be used in the classroom. The real-life examples are c

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Detecting Plagiarism – How Hard Is It?

Published: 21.06.2019

This 45 minute slot would discuss the borderline cases of plagiarism cases based on Tunitin® scores.

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Methodology, Ethics And Integrity In Biomedical Research

Published: 21.06.2019

This workshop is aimed at increasing the awareness of medical and biomedical students on the importance of medical and bio-ethics in clinical practice and research. Participants will be introduced recent examples of high profile clinical and research cases of ethical dilemma including genetically mo

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Academic Integrity: Ensuring Good Academic Practice – Workshop For Academic Staff

Published: 21.06.2019

This workshop aims: To promote good practice for module tutors and project supervisors. To clarify policy and procedures for deterring and detecting cases of student academic misconduct. To encourage dialogue about measures for reducing cases of plagiarism, academic dishonesty, collusion, ghost writ

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Set of real-life examples related to academic integrity

Published: 20.06.2019

This is an overview of real-life examples – educational materials which were created within the Erasmus+ project European Network for Academic Integrity. Each real-life example illustrates importance of the values of academic integrity in professional life. It is a ready-to-use case study acco

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Real-life example: Minister

Published: 20.06.2019

This document is a real life example illustrating importance of the values of academic integrity in professional life. It was created as a part of Toolkit for cross-sector cooperation in terms of academic integrity within Erasmus+ project. It is a ready-to-use case study accompanied with

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Üniversite ve akademik dürüstlük

Published: 19.06.2019

Bu sunum lise öğrencilerine üniversite ile ilgili hem genel bilgi vermeyi hem de akademik dürüstlükle ilgili farkındalıklarını arttırmayı amaçlamaktadır.

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