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Copyright in teacher‘s work

Published: 13.06.2019

Using sources of others and sharing our own materials with Creative Commons. Motivation: I want to use correctly sources created by other authors. I want to easily share my work with the other people. In the presentation, the basic principles of copyright are explained, the Creative Commons

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Где граница плагиата

Published: 11.06.2019

Slides for the workshop about the gray area between plagiarism and good citation practices.

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Published: 11.06.2019

Phil Newton’s keynote speech about worldwide contract cheating market.2nd international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2015 (10th-11th June 2015, Brno, Czech Republic) Video link: Length: 45 minutes Abstract: The use of custo

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Where is the borderline of plagiarism?

Published: 11.06.2019

Slides for the workshop about the grey area between plagiarism and good citation practices. Structure of the workshop:  Examples of plagiarism Definitions of plagiarism and academic dishonesty Judgment of cases Reasons for plagiarism Discussion Abstract:The workshop is a mixture of i

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Real life example: Mistrust - Business ethics

Published: 10.06.2019

This material is a real life example illustrating importance of the values of academic integrity in professional life. It is a ready-to-use case study accompanied with didactic notes, discussion questions and other activities for the audience. The attached zip file contains illustrated presentation

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Kde je hranica medzi chabou (zlou) akademickou praxou a plagiátorstvom?

Published: 05.06.2019

Toto cvičenie má byť použité v kontexte vyučovacej jednotky týkajúcej sa referencovania (odkazovania na zdroje), akademickej integrity alebo oboznamovania sa s výskumnými zručnosťami. Študenti po prečítaní ôsmich prípadov

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Real life example: Reptile breeding facility

Published: 07.05.2019

This material is a real life example illustrating importance of the values of academic integrity in professional life. It is a ready-to-use case study accompanied with didactic notes, discussion questions and other activities for the audience. The attached zip file contains illustrated presentation

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Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen schlechter akademischer Praxis und Plagiarismus?

Published: 02.05.2019

Die Übung ist dazu gedacht, im Rahmen einer Lerneinheit zum Thema Schreiben, Zitieren, akademische Integrität oder Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten eingesetzt zu werden. Die Teilnehmer lesen die acht angegebenen Fälle und entscheiden nach ihrer eigenen Meinung, ob es

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Beispiel aus Herrn Apfels Blog

Published: 02.05.2019

Die Übung ist dazu gedacht, im Rahmen einer Lerneinheit zum Thema Schreiben, Zitieren, akademische Integrität oder Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten eingesetzt zu werden. Die Übung besteht nur aus einer Seite. Das Beispiel ist ein realer Fall, der anonymisiert wurde.

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Explainer video "Why Citations?"

Published: 30.04.2019

Explainer video "Why Citations?" Citations in academic writing – we explain why they’re so important. Academic works use quotations to refer to the knowledge and results of other academics. Authors use supporting evidence and references to accurately label the content that they use. Th

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