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Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Game

Published: 26.04.2019

Interactive game about consequences of plagiarism, information sharing, unintentional plagiarism, forms of plagiarism and other related issues. The game is using the format of a TV show Jeopardy, it is freely available at and was created by an anonymous author. Basic game instruct

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Geçen gün kafeteryada - intihal söylentileri

Published: 17.04.2019

In order to inform and educate students (and staff), we have collected these common rumours, myths/questions and drafted possible answers. We react to them in a FAQ-like scheme.

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Published: 27.03.2019

Der AKI-Trailer mit dem Titel “Die Abschlussarbeit” ist ein Kurzfilm im Stil eines Computerspiels. Typische Hindernisse werden aufgezeigt, die Studierenden während des Schreibens ihrer Arbeiten begegnen können. Während sich die Hauptfigur durch das Spiel bewegt, werden jed

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Check your personal “referencing style“!

Published: 22.03.2019

This self-test with feedback for skill development is meant to activate the reflection of working habits and discussion in class. It provides an easy, playful and individual access to a complex subject. The questions and answers neither cover all possible attitudes or individual working habits nor

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Pracovní list: Kde je hranice plagiátorství?

Published: 07.03.2019

Obsahuje několik scénářů s různými případy plagiátorství. Toto cvičení je určené pro výuku o problematice plagiátorství. Účastníci výuky mají za úkol si přečíst osm různých

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Workshop: Kde je hranice plagiátorství?

Published: 07.03.2019

Prezentace (a zároveň osnova) k workshopu Kde je hranice plagiátorství? Cílem workshopu slouží je rozšíření znalostí o problematice plagiátorství, snažší orientace v této problematice a seznámen

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Kur yra riba tarp netinkamos akademinės praktikos ir plagiato?

Published: 20.02.2019

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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Why do we even give sources? – A list of reasons for good practice maintaining integrity

Published: 11.02.2019

The document presents a list of reasons why  we give sources. The reasons can be collected by students with different didactic methods (homework or in-class; single or group work; brainstorming or enquiry; …). The list may be used by educators to complement the results by students. Posi

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Kur ir robeža starp vājo akadēmisko praksi un plaģiātismu?

Published: 04.02.2019

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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Datorprogrammu izmantošana plaģiātisma kontrolē

Published: 04.02.2019

This material is  written by Jānis Kreicbergs and published on the web site of University of Latvia. Jānis Kreicbergs is one of the first persons in Latvia who started to develop a national unified computerized plagiarism control system. In this material, he discusses general operation principl

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