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Galvenie jautājumi, lai palīdzētu novērtēt starptekstu un tekstu formālu kvalitāti un iespējamo plaģiātismu

Published: 04.02.2019

These questions are set to help the assessors to identify the signs of plagiarism. This guide should be used as a whole to identify any potential plagiaristic behaviour.

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Kā izvairīties no plaģiātisma: parafrāzēšana, citēšana un apkopošana

Published: 04.02.2019

Plagiarism means that we take a work or an idea of someone else and present it as our own. To avoid plagiarism the document explains the basic concepts paraphrasing, quotation and summary. Please note that this material is very brief summary. It is not meant as a stand-alone learning material. It ma

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Kā darbojas teksta plaģiātisma atpazīšanas sistēmas

Published: 04.02.2019

This document provides really brief information on the text matching methods. The goal is to get the basic overview.

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Plaģiātisma smaguma novērtēšanas kritēriji

Published: 04.02.2019

Papers presented with intertextually incorrect passages must, first, be judged by decision makers and be identified as plagiarism. The next step would be the clarification of the severity of such a violation in relation to the institutional definitions of good academic practice. The criteria can aid

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Educating yourself about plagiarism – Case studies on Grey areas

Published: 24.01.2019

Educating yourself about plagiarism – Case studies on Grey areas In this peer assisted, academic led workshop, students will discuss some common but difficult scenarios that might or might not be considered as academic misconduct or plagiarism. The aim of this exercise is to make them aware t

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Academic Outsourcing: Essay Mills, Theses-On-Demand and Contract Cheating

Published: 17.01.2019

Slides from a workshop on contract cheating presented at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary. Includes: Overview, purpose, definition of contract cheating, advocacy, awareness, prevalence, detection and prevention. Author: Eaton, Sarah Elaine  (University

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Come evitare il plagio: parafrasare, citare e riassumere

Published: 21.12.2018

Plagiarism means that we take a work or an idea of someone else and present it as our own. To avoid plagiarism the document explains the basic concepts paraphrasing, quotation and summary. Please note that this material is very brief summary. It is not meant as a stand-alone learning material. It ma

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„Warum zitieren?“ - Ein Erklärfilm

Published: 13.12.2018

Explainer video "Why Cite?" Citations in academic writing – we explain why they’re so important. Academic works use quotations to refer to the knowledge and results of other academics. Authors use supporting evidence and references to accurately label the content that they use. This is

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Toolkit On Teacher Codes Of Conduct

Published: 12.12.2018

A toolkit to help users to design and effectively use teacher codes of conduct. It will help you find responses to key questions, i.e.: What is a teacher code of conduct? How to formulate its content? Who to involve in its development? What mechanisms for its application? What target audie

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Webinar “Integrity in the Classroom”

Published: 07.12.2018

Webinar “Integrity in the Classroom” with presentations on: Academic Integrity Workshop for Secondary School Teachers (by Dlabolová Dita) It’s never too early to start educating our students about academic integrity! Despite the name,academic integrity isn’t limi

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