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How to deal with contract cheating

Published: 25.06.2019

Contract cheating (also known as ghost writing) happens when a student has his assignment done by someone else and submits it as his own work. Researches show that 6-10% of students have their school work done by someone else, for example in Czech Republic it is estimated that the annual turnover of

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Bioethics versus moral ethics – you decide

Published: 25.06.2019

This presentation would engage the teacher/medical students in discussing 6 different scenarios (examples) of difficult ethical issues to show the ethical decisions should not be linked to moral arguments. Most of these scenarios are real life examples that would enthuse them to be engaged in meanin

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Building ethics infrastructure in Academia

Published: 25.06.2019

It is aimed to raise awareness on two approaches of building ethics infrastructure in educational setting. Value-led and compliance approaches will be addressed with illustrative examples.

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Strategies for enhancing Academic Integrity

Published: 25.06.2019

The presentation for senior managers and academic teachers will cover:The importance of integrity in education and research.Developing a strategy for institutional integrity.Characteristics of effective institutional policies and procedures.Discussions on local requirements and variations.

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Akademska integriteta in plagiarizem na slovenskih akademskih inštitucijah

Published: 25.06.2019

Nacionalno infrastrukturo odprtega dostopa ( več o infrastrukturi najdete na sestavljajo nacionalni portal, institucionalni repozitoriji slovenskih univerz, repozitorij samostojnih visokošolskih in višješolskih organizacij in repozitori

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Academic writing – Guidance for students on research and Academic Integrity

Published: 25.06.2019

The workshop for students will cover:good study habits and writing skills,understanding referencing and citation conventions and using these appropriately,the importance of academic integrity,finding good quality information sources and assessing reliability of information,understanding the expectat

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Designing and developing an online course for Academic Integrity

Published: 25.06.2019

Based on an open Learning Management System (LMS), an open educational framework towards promotion of academic integrity has been designed and developed for internal purposes at the University of Nicosia. The educational framework has been designed based on principles of constructivism and promotes

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Benefiting from anonymous multi mediated writing model to avoid Plagiarism

Published: 25.06.2019

Plagiarism is simply defined as using other people’s ideas or words without citing appropriately and as novice authors, students either undergraduate or graduate, are under the risk of being accused of plagiarism more than the others. A text-matching software aims to help writing instructors d

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Plagiarism prevention – What can librarians do?

Published: 25.06.2019

We invite library staff (and staff from other research support services) to reflect, discuss and get to know their (potential) role regarding plagiarism prevention. Libraries may contribute already by offering courses and other educational measures such as “how to find sources”, “l

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Template for ENAI real-life examples

Published: 21.06.2019

Purpose of this document is to provide scaffolding for building ready-to-use real-life examples on academic integrity. The real-life example is composed of a document with the story and explanatory and didactical notes; and of a presentation to be used in the classroom. The real-life examples are c

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