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How Textual Plagiarism Detection Works
Published: 23.08.2018
This document provides really brief information on the text matching methods. The goal is to get the basic overview.
Paraphrase practice 1 (History)
Published: 20.07.2018
The original exercise is taken form Salim Razi’s book “Advanced Reading and Writing Skills in ELT” (Razi, S. (2011). Advanced Reading and Writing Skills in ELT. APA Style Handbook, Ankara: Nobel, p. 181-183.) and it was designed for students in an English Language Teaching programm
Paraphrase practice 1 (English Language Teaching)
Published: 20.07.2018
The main idea of the exercise is to guide the student step by step from reading a paragraph to writing a paraphrase in own words. Directing questions assist this process. The exercise can be used in any context of teaching students to work with secondary literature and work with it properly. Poor a
The 20 most frequent intertextual errors in student papers at Freiburg University of Education
Published: 13.07.2018
A total of 82 term papers and final theses at Freiburg University of Education, Freiburg, Germany, were examined 2014 – 2016 in terms of their intertextual quality. Of the 109 distinctions made between different types of intertextual errors that are known to us, 58 were detected in the student
Example from Mr. Apple’s blog
Published: 21.06.2018
The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The exercise simply consists of one slide. The example is a real life case which was anonymised. The real case ended up in court and Apple was sued by Lemon. The
Key questions to help assess intertextual and formal quality of texts and suspected plagiarism
Published: 21.06.2018
These questions are set to help the assessors to identify the signs of plagiarism. This guide should be used as a whole to identify any potential plagiaristic behaviour.
Criteria for Evaluating the Severity of Plagiarism
Published: 21.06.2018
Papers presented with intertextually incorrect passages must, first, be judged by decision makers and be identified as plagiarism. The next step would be the clarification of the severity of such a violation in relation to the institutional definitions of good academic practice. The criteria can aid
The other day in the cafeteria - rumours about plagiarism
Published: 21.06.2018
In order to inform and educate students (and staff), we have collected these common rumours, myths/questions and drafted possible answers. We react to them in a FAQ-like scheme.
Why we cite sources
Published: 05.06.2018
Released: Feb 2013Features: 3:22 min, english subtitles Review: It’s a short humorous cartoon movie providing some reasons why we cite information sources in academia. In the story there are two kinds of students introduced: one that did plagiarism and one that get himself help
Why cite?
Published: 05.06.2018
Released: Apr 2012Features: 1:42 min, english subtitles Review: This short and simply made clip presents students reasons why to cite in their papers. The main message is that it helps doing papers more quickly and effectively. Starting with the problem of information overload it introduces five re