Most viewed materials from past 30 days

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Paraphrase Practice

Published: 04.12.2019

This exercise is provided as an example and the given original text can and should easily bereplaced with a text which fits into the context of your subject matter. The exercise isintended to be used to support students in developing good paraphrasing skills. It addressesalso typical errors which ar

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The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

Published: 06.08.2019

The linked webpage contains the links to the Code in all the above-mentioned languages. The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity serves the European research community as a framework for self-regulation across all scientific and scholarly disciplines and for all research settings.

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The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct (Interactive Movie)

Published: 12.05.2023

In "The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct," you become the lead characters in an interactive movie and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences. The simulation addresses Responsible Conduct of Research topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship res

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Set of real-life examples related to academic integrity

Published: 20.06.2019

This is an overview of real-life examples – educational materials which were created within the Erasmus+ project European Network for Academic Integrity. Each real-life example illustrates importance of the values of academic integrity in professional life. It is a ready-to-use case study acco

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Typical weaknesses in AI generated texts

Published: 26.11.2024

Detection tools and large language models are undergoing such rapid and mutually reinforcing development processes that the use of generative AI in take-home assignments cannot usually be proven. More important than the question of whether generative AI has been used – even when prohibited – in writ

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A Guide to Identifying Predatory Journals and Publishers - Checklist

Published: 15.04.2024

This checklist is designed to guide researchers and authors in identifying potential predatory journals and/or publishers. Predatory journals and publishers are a concerning phenomenon in academic publishing. Identifying potentially predatory, poor quality or disreputable publishers / jou

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Academic Integrity in Space

Published: 27.10.2020

Promote Academic Integrity and Policy 60 education through game play with the AIO's new resource: Academic Integrity in Space! Students go head-to-head with Captain Plague and the League of the Unearned to learn about academic integrity and to earn certificates from the planets Ethica, Originon, and

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Questions to ChatGPT about Max Weber: Theory of Power and Authority, Ideal Types

Published: 26.11.2024

In this exercise, ChatGPT is designed to answer questions about Max Weber and his concept of ideal types without prior input from the students. The aim of this exercise is to show that the programme does not provide an ideal summary and in some places also provides incorrect information, that it tak

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Academic Integrity Student checklist

Published: 26.11.2024

Checklist for university students • University’s Academic Integrity policy • Information about academic fraud • Academic Integrity in courses • Academic Integrity in assignments

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Detecting Contract Cheating: tips for markers (Description)

Published: 18.10.2024

A short information sheet describing the material "Detecting Contract Cheating: tips for markers".

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Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Game

Published: 26.04.2019

Interactive game about consequences of plagiarism, information sharing, unintentional plagiarism, forms of plagiarism and other related issues. The game is using the format of a TV show Jeopardy, it is freely available at and was created by an anonymous author. Basic game instruct

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Typische Schwächen KI-generierter Texte

Published: 26.11.2024

Detektionstools und Large Language Models befinden sich in einem so rasanten und gegenseitig befruchtenden Weiterentwicklungsprozess, dass die Nutzung von generativer künstlicher Intelligenz beim Verfassen von Texten in der Regel nicht nachgewiesen werden kann. Wichtiger als die Frage, ob generative

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Proactive teaching lessons for effectively using Chat-GPT: Pre-med/Biomedical students

Published: 26.11.2024

Subjects allied to medicine expect application of knowledge according to clinical situations such as diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring the prognosis. Chat-GPT can be effectively employed to produce ‘smart interfaces of open-AI’. Smart Interfaces for Human-Centered AI have already been in use in m

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Academic Integrity Instructor Checklist

Published: 26.11.2024

Checklist for university teachers and instructors • Academic Integrity policy • Academic Integrity in courses • Addressing students • Tips for assessment design

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10 Types of Plagiarism (handout)

Published: 11.10.2018

The short infographics Plagiarism Spectrum: 10 Types of Plagiarism identifies and describes ten different types of plagiarism.  It is available for download in print quality (can be used as a poster, flyer,...). There is also a webinar based on the material. The handout and the webinar ar

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Contract Cheating: Kurzleitfaden für Lehrende

Published: 26.11.2024

Kurzleitfaden für Lehrende zum Thema Contract Cheating. Deutsche Übersetzung des "Contract Cheating: A Quick Guide for Staff" der University of Manchester, UK.

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Discovering unauthorised outsourcing of coursework: What DOCX files reveal

Published: 22.10.2024

Outsourcing to third parties, such as contract cheating providers or undisclosed text production by artificial intelligence, are considered difficult to detect. Text files in DOCX or ODT format can be used to specifically search for indications of unauthorised outsourcing. Of course, it is possible

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Exploring authentic Assessment Strategies to Minimise the Misuse of GenAI by Students: An Example

Published: 26.11.2024

In a world that has already embraced generative AI (GenAI), it is essential to not only adopt diverse and authentic assessment strategies but also to teach, show, and assess students in the ethical and effective use of this technology. Employing a variety of well-designed assessments can minimize th

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Detecting Contract Cheating in narrative assignments (Description)

Published: 18.10.2024

A short information sheet describing the material "Detecting Contract Cheating in narrative assignments".

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Contract Cheating erkennen – Tipps für Lehrende

Published: 26.11.2024

Ein Leitfaden für Lehrende zur Erkennung von Contract Cheating.

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15 Strategies to Detect Contract Cheating

Published: 26.11.2024

This resource for educators offers concrete strategies to identify and detect contract cheating.

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Integrity is not a component of ethics, integrity is much

Published: 17.09.2019

The term “integrity” has its roots in French and Latin (14th century). Originally, the term was used meaning “innocence, blamelessness; chastity, purity” derived from Old French integrité or directly from Latin integritatem (nominative integritas) “soundness, who

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Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen schlechter akademischer Praxis und Plagiarismus?

Published: 02.05.2019

Die Übung ist dazu gedacht, im Rahmen einer Lerneinheit zum Thema Schreiben, Zitieren, akademische Integrität oder Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten eingesetzt zu werden. Die Teilnehmer lesen die acht angegebenen Fälle und entscheiden nach ihrer eigenen Meinung, ob es

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Where is the borderline between poor academic practice and plagiarism?

Published: 22.06.2018

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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How useful are AI text detection tools?

Published: 26.11.2024

Services such as ChatGPT have created a demand for automated recognition of AI-generated texts. An article from the end of 2023 tested various products. We briefly present the results here. Overall, the detection software is only of very limited use, even if it had a very high recognition rate. This

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Zusammenfassung wissenschaftlicher Texte mit ChatGPT. Das Beispiel Max Weber

Published: 26.11.2024

In der vorliegenden Übung soll ChatGPT angewiesen werden, einen theoretisch anspruchsvollen Text zusammenzufassen und Fragen zu dessen Inhalt zu beantworten. Das Ziel dieser Übung ist es, zu zeigen, dass das Programm keine ideale Zusammenfassung ausgibt und an einigen Stellen auch falsche Informatio

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Etično delovanje v raziskovanju in praksi

Published: 11.11.2019

Struktura Etika in raziskovanje. Primeri neetičnega delovanja. Osvojene lekcije. Povzetek. Osnovne informacije Ciljna skupina: študenti. Povzetek: štirje primeri neetičnega delovanja, ki lahko služijo kot osnova diskusiji o etiki. Cilj: dvigniti ozaveščenost pred z

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Merkblatt zur Vermeidung von Contract Cheating für Studierende

Published: 26.11.2024

Deutsche Übersetzung des Merkblatts "Avoiding Contract Cheating Student Tip Sheet".

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15 Wege um Contract Cheating aufzudecken

Published: 26.11.2024

Deutsche Übersetzung von: Eaton, Sarah E.: (2020). 15 Strategies to Detect Contract Cheating. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. pp. 1-2.

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Wie hilfreich sind Detektionstools für KI-Texte?

Published: 23.10.2024

Angebote wie ChatGPT haben einen Bedarf für automatisierte Erkennung von mittels KI erstellten Texten erzeugt. Ein Artikel von Ende 2023 hat verschiedene Produkte getestet. Wir stellen die Ergebnisse an dieser Stelle kurz vor. In der Gesamtschau ist die Detektionssoftware nur sehr eingeschränkt nü

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