{{baseURL = "/survey"}}

Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers


Dear Researcher,

We invite you to use the Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers (AISETR). The purpose of AISETR is to help researchers evaluate their own knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding academic integrity. Please note that the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) defines academic integrity as “Compliance with ethical and professional principles, standards, practices and consistent system of values, that serves as guidance for making decisions and taking actions in education, research and scholarship” (Glossary for Academic Integrity, pp. 7-8). Your responses to the questions will be used to assess your current skills and knowledge as a researcher as well as identify areas for development.

The tool provides an opportunity for you to reflect upon your own approach and research conduct and receive some guidance for further development. Your responses will remain anonymous and only available to you. AISETR is designed for personal use. It is your decision whether or not to make use of this tool.

AISETR has four sections of self-evaluation questions. Your answers to the questions will be assigned scores and linked to feedback. You will receive a score and feedback for each question, for each section of questions as well as for the overall tool. Also, you will receive suggestions about material that you may find useful for expanding your knowledge and skills.

This tool has been developed by researchers from the ENAI (https://www.academicintegrity.eu/wp/): Inga GAIŽAUSKAITĖ, Irene GLENDINNING, Tomáš FOLTÝNEK, Salim RAZI, Franca MARINO, Marco COSENTINO, Laura RIBEIRO. For more information please contact by email surveys@academicintegrity.eu.

Acknowledgement: The authors of the tool gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the whole ENAI consortium for their feedback in the process of development of the tool.  


It should take approximately 20 minutes to answer the questions. However, you may take as much time as you wish reading through questions, feedback and revising your answers.

Once you have clicked the NEXT button at the end of a section, you cannot return to review or amend the previous page. There is no possibility to save or download your answers and feedback.

Data protection statement

This tool is not designed for data collection – any dialogue conducted through this questionnaire will only be available to you. 

Only if you provide your explicit consent by ticking respective consent box under the demographic information, we will save your answers for further processing, analysis and research carried out by the European Network for Academic Integrity and/or its member institutions. Even in this case we do not collect any information which would allow identifying a respondent.

Please note that in order to use the tool you are not obliged to identify your country, gender or age and/or consent to provide your answers for further analysis.



Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers


Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers

{{showSection+1}}. Policies and practices

{{showSection+1}}.1 How often do you discuss ethical issues with your research colleagues? Please, select ONE answer to the question below that most accurately describes your practice.

{{showSection+1}}.2 I pro-actively provide guidance when needed for junior colleagues or students on policies and procedures for research integrity and ethical conduct.

{{showSection+1}}.3 I understand the process for reporting a suspicion of research misconduct in my institution, including responsibilities, contact person, what process to follow etc.

{{showSection+1}}.4 Are there any requirements in your institution for checking and approving ethical aspects of research?

{{showSection+1}}.5 How closely do you follow the agreed terms of the ethical approval for your research?

{{showSection+1}}.6 Below are some statements about your research environment. Please, provide the answer that is most applicable for you for each of the statements.

Not at all Slightly Moderately Largely Completely
Pressure to publish affects the integrity of my research.
Pressure to obtain external funding affects the integrity of my research.
I am more cooperative with colleagues than I am competitive.

{{showSection+1}}.7 When I need to consult my supervisor or manager, her / his reply usually is...

{{showSection+1}}.8 The following elements are applied by my research team to minimise potentially harmful impacts from our research. Select all that may apply:

Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers

{{showSection+1}}. Questionable research practices

{{showSection+1}}.1 Have you ever engaged into any of these practices when conducting a research?

Never Once A few times Frequently Always Not sure
Conducting research without the required ethical approval.
Storing, emailing or sharing sensitive research data (e.g., data that contains personally identifiable information) without encryption or security measures.
Sharing sensitive research data (e.g., data that contains personally identifiable information) with someone not directly involved in the research.
Stop collecting data earlier than planned because the results already reached statistical significance, ignoring approved research procedures.
Collecting more data than initially planned and approved after seeing that the results were almost statistically significant.
Inappropriately modifying the results of a study due to pressure from another person (e.g., collaborator, research advisor or the funder of the study).
Putting pressure on a student or subordinate to be a study participant in your research.
Using a data collection instrument (e.g. a questionnaire) from studies of other researchers without permission or acknowledgement.
Conducting research that involves human-subjects or people as research participants without having clear informed consent.
Using data collected in previous studies for other purposes without permission or appropriate acknowledgement.
Using data collected from a team project you were part of for your own purposes without agreement or permission from other members of the project team.

{{showSection+1}}.2 Have you ever engaged in these practices during data analysis?

Never Once A few times Frequently Always Not sure
Deciding whether to exclude or change data after looking at the impact on the results.
Ignoring a colleague’s use of inappropriate research data.
Reporting a downwardly rounded p-value (e.g., reporting that a p-value of .054 is less than .05).
Misrepresenting a participant’s words or writing.
In a research study, failing to report examples or cases that weaken your conclusions.
Reporting an unexpected finding as having been hypothesized from the start.
Concealing results that contradict your previous findings or ideas.
Unjustifyably refusing to share data with colleagues collaborating in the research.

Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers

{{showSection+1}}. Reporting and publication

{{showSection+1}}.1 Have you ever engaged in any of following practices during writing and publication of research results?

Never Once A few times Frequently Always Not sure
In a paper, failing to report all the dependent variables from a study.
In a paper, failing to report all research methods used in a study.
In a paper, selectively reporting studies that are in agreement with your presumptions/hypothesis.
Spread study results over more published papers than is appropriate.
Deliberately fail to mention important limitations of a study in the published paper.
Deliberately fail to mention an organization that funded your research in the published paper.
Fail to disclose financial or intellectual conflicts of interest.
Reuse previously published data without acknowledgement.
Use someone else’s ideas without their permission or due acknowledgement.
Use sections of text from another author’s copyrighted material without permission or acknowledgement.
Use sections of text from your own publications without acknowledgement.
Selectively reference certain papers just to please editors or reviewers.
Reference articles and / or materials that you have not read.
Selectively reference your own work to improve your citation metrics.
Use confidential information obtained as a reviewer or editor for your own research or publications.
Add one or more authors to a paper who did not qualify for authorship.
Accept an authorship that you did not deserve.
Demand authorship for research to which you did not contribute.
Demand authorship for someone else who did not contribute to the research.
Omit a contributor who deserved authorship.
Submit (or re-submit) a manuscript or grant application without consent from one or more of the co-authors.
Simultaneously submit the same manuscript to multiple journals.
Arrange with a colleague or friend for them to write a positive peer review of your work in return for you to provide a similar favour for them at a future date.

Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers

{{showSection+1}}. Commitment to responsible conduct of research

{{showSection+1}}.1 To what extent are you personally committed to adopting responsible conduct for your research?

{{showSection+1}}.2 How would you respond if you observed or suspected research misconduct?

Academic Integrity Self-Evaluation Tool for Researchers

Points: {{feedbacks[feedbacks.length-1][1]}} / {{feedbacks[feedbacks.length-1][2]}}

No evaluation for the whole section.

{{(showSection + 1)}}.{{index+1}} Question: {{feedback[0].question}}
Points received: {{feedback[0].ptsFinal}} / {{feedback[0].max}}


Line: {{option.option}}
Your choice: Selected Not selected
Points: {{option.value}} / {{option.value}} {{option.value_not_checked}}0 / {{option.value}} {{option.value}} / {{option.value_not_checked}} {{option.value_not_checked}} / {{option.value_not_checked}}
Line: {{question.option}}
Your choice: {{question.value}}
Points received: {{question.pts}} / {{question.maxPtsPerLine}}

Line: {{question.option}}
Your choice: Selected Not selected
Points: {{question.value}} / {{question.value}} {{question.value_not_checked}}0 / {{question.value}} {{question.value}} / {{question.value_not_checked}} {{question.value_not_checked}} / {{question.value_not_checked}}


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Supported by the Erasmus+
Strategic Partnerships project