Hello everyone,
a few months back I have written an article about an open source project we are working on: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/data-driven-approach-to-forms-with-react-c69fd4ea7923
Today, I have discovered (I was googling references to our project) that an another author has used whole paragraphs from my article in his tutorial on the same web without any citations: https://medium.com/@yudhajitadhikary/how-to-create-reactive-forms-using-data-driven-forms-in-react-be551a774ff1
I would like to ask how I should act now? It’s an open source project, so I am glad that someone else writes about it, however, I don’t like the fact the author is using parts of my article without any consent and acknowledgements.
Dear Richard,
Yes, you may feel good that someone else finds your work useful. However, without proper acknowledgment, this act constitutes plagiarism, violates your intellectual property rights as well as the Medium Terms of Service.
I suggest you contact the author of the questionable article and ask him to add references to your work. If he refuses to do it or does not reply to you at all, the second step should be to contact Medium editors. If they want to keep the good reputation of their portal, they should help you with this issue.
Good luck,