ENAI Academic Integrity Game Evaluator (EAIGE)

This form is a free resource developed to help collect review feedback on academic integrity games to indicate effectiveness and appropriateness of academic integrity games or gamified modules. Faculty, teachers, management, library staff can use this evaluator to help decide whether to use a game or not in classrooms, for training, etc.

AIGE has been developed by the ENAI Gamification Working Group (European Network for Academic Integrity) and is a free tool for use with attribution under Creative Commons License:

Khan, ZR, Sivasubramanian, S, Gomes, SF, Bjelobaba, S, Razi, S, Waddington, L, and Ribeiro, L, Dlabolova, DH, Dyer, J, Reddy, M, Santos, R (2023) Academic Integrity Game Evaluator. European Network for Academic Integrity Gamification Woring Group. Available Online xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Is there relevance to academic integrity 3
Does the game incorporate problem solving characteristics/ higher level learning skills 3
Does the game prompt players to think critically about Academic Integrity 3
Is the game applicable universally (target group) 3
Are game instructions user friendly 3
Is the interface user friendly 3
Is the design and artwork attractive 3
Did you enjoy the game 3
Does the game have assessments to test content knowledge 3
Was the audio quality satisfactory 3
How effective was the story 3
Are the goals of the game clear 3
Were there any compatibility issues 3
Is the game available in multiple languages 3
Was the supporting material helpful 3
Is game applicable universally (inter-culture) 3
Is feedback on player performance suitable 3
Should the game rank players performance 3
Should player ranking be time-based 3
Was technical support available 3