It is time to register for the upcoming ENAI webinar Improving your skills as a thesis supervisor by Veronika Krásničan and Dita Dlabolová from the Bridge project!
Improving skills as a thesis supervisor
Veronika Krásničan & Dita Henek Dlabolová
14th October 2022, 13:00 CEST
The webinar is intended for all academics and also PhD students who supervise or will supervise students’ theses. Experienced supervisors, “newbies” in this role and future supervisors are invited. The aim of the webinar is to discuss the necessary knowledge and skills from the field of academic and research integrity that master’s and PhD students should have for doing their research and writing a thesis. This will be promoted through the presentation and discussion of the checklist for thesis supervisors developed within the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project Bridging Integrity in Higher Education, Business and Society (BRIDGE). The checklist will be shared with the participants and the complementary checklists for master’s and PhD students will also be introduced.
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About the lecturers
Veronika Krásničan (earlier Králíková) is a researcher and project output leader of the BRIDGE project. She leads an output focused on bridging research ethics and academic integrity. In her research activities, she focuses also on contract cheating and business ethics.
Dita Henek Dlabolová is an executive manager of the ENAI. She is an experienced teacher and trainer in the field of academic integrity with the main focus on plagiarism prevention and academic writing. She has been involved in several academic integrity and interpretation of outputs of text-matching software.