There’s still time to register for the first ENAI & CRB Webinar about The rising threat of Paper Mills, by Dr Anna Abalkina (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany).

The rising threat of Paper Mills

Dr Anna Abalkina (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
10th February 2023, 13:00 CET

There is a rising challenge of paper mill activities. Editors, journals, and publishers fail to detect paper mill production and it infiltrates academic literature. Paper mills use different operation strategies and are very adaptive. Anyway, we can summarize tips on how to recognize suspicious papers from paper mills.

About the lecturer

Dr Anna Abalkina is a research fellow at Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). She earned her PhD from the University of Perugia (Italy). She has a background in international economics, but later she concentrated her research on academic misconduct, plagiarism, paper mills and predatory and hijacked journals. Her research is devoted not only to the detection and analysis of scientific misconduct but also to the explanation of its costs and consequences. Since 2013, Dr Anna Abalkina has been active as an expert on Dissernet, a grassroots initiative to detect plagiarism in the PhD theses and scientific papers in Russia. In 2022, Dr Anna Abalkina, in collaboration with Retraction Watch, created the list of hijacked journals, “The Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker”, which is regularly updated.

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