ENAI Working Group

Gamification of Academic Integrity

Games are fun, competitive ways of conveying messages, engaging participants and achieving desired outcomes using rules, goals and feedback.


  • Zeenath Reza Khan, University of Wollongong in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (head)
  • Dita Henek Dlabolová, European Network for Academic Integrity, Czechia
  • Jarret Dyer, College of DuPage, United States of America
  • Laura Ribeiro, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Loretta Goff, University College Cork, Ireland
  • Lorna Waddington, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • Mike Reddy, University of South Wales, United Kingdom
  • Rita Santos, European Network for Academic Integrity, Portugal
  • Salim Razı, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Türkiye
  • Sandra Gomes, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Shiva Sivasubramaniam, University of Derby, United Kingdom
  • Sonja Bjelobaba, Uppsala University, Sweden


Gamification of academic integrity has gained some momentum in academia in recent years, with Amada White from University of Technology (Sydney) having created a board-game, Sarah Eaton from University of Calgary (Canada) documenting her experience gamifying an academic integrity workshop for staff, and  True North/Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center developing a scenario-based game.

This interest is not surprising, though. Playing games is not new, neither is using games to engage people. Games are fun, competitive ways of conveying messages, engaging participants and achieving desired outcomes using rules, goals and feedback, dating back 100 years or so [1] [2]. Incorporating game elements and strategies in education has been a trend recorded as early as the 1980s, “with video and computer games” in subjects such as history and geography [3] [2].

[4] quotes [5] in defining gamification as “the use of game metaphors, game elements and ideas in a context different from that of the games in order to increase motivation and commitment, and to influence user behavior”. [6] has posited that gamification is a method to engage students who are digital natives because technology is all around them, changing the dynamic of teaching and learning and thus “require[ing] modern pedagogical paradigms”.


This working group aims to explore gamification and game based learning to enhance engagement and commitment of academic stakeholders (students, staff, faculty, management, parents) towards teaching and learning of academic integrity values, thus working towards incorporating a proactive action in building a culture of integrity. We aim to eventually gamify certain areas of academic integrity in order to offer the greater community with the tools to then use them in their teaching & learning settings.


[1] Oxford Analytica, “Gamification and the Future of Education,” World Government Summit.

[2] D. F. Smith, “A brief history of gamification [#infographic],” EdTech Focus on Higher Education, 11 Jul 2014. [Online]. Available: https://edtechmagazine.com/higher/article/2014/07/brief-history-gamification-infographic. [Accessed 14 Jul 2019].

[3] Packt, “History of gamification in education,” 14 July 2019. [Online]. Available: https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/web_development/9781782168119/1/ch01lvl1sec09/history-of-gamification-in-education. [Accessed 14 July 2019].

[4] G. Kiryakova, N. Angelova and L. Yordanova, “Gamification in Education,” in 9th International Balkan Education and Science Conference, 2014.

[5] A. Marczewski, “What’s the difference between Gamification and Serious Games,” Gamasutra, 3 11 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/AndrzejMarczewski/20130311/188218/Whats_the_difference_between_Gamification_. [Accessed 14 July 2019].

[6] I. Furdu, C. Tomozei and U. Kose, “Pros and Cons Gamification and Gaming in Classroom,” BRAIN: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 56-62, 2017.

Jeopardy for students
While developing an interactive workshop for school students, I created a “Jeopardy” for them as a form of re-cap exercise at the end of one session. While running the jeopardy, with four teams vying to get the highest scores, every time a category was taken, the exclamations, excitement and engagement of the students in the room was palpable. I had an epiphany – this works… we need more gamification of academic integrity!

⸺ Zeenath Reza Khan (April 2019)

Available games/gamified modules on academic integrity, ethics & research ethics

Seneca's Integrity Matters (app)

Author: University of Waterloo

Dilemma Game

Author: Erasmus University Rotterdam

Decisions on Deadline

Author: Samantha Grant & Brittney Shepherd

Jeopardy on Academic Integrity

Author: Jeopardy Labs

Jeopardy on Contract Cheating

Author: IDOA Student Committee

Academic Integrity Board Game

Author: Amanda White, Emma Gogolewski, Tyler Key

Academic Integrity in Space

Author: Ryerson University

List of games on workplace integrity

Author: Koos Roseboom

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