ENAI Working Group
Glossary and Guidelines
The aim of this working group is the maintenance and development of the ENAI Glossary for Academic Integrity and of the General Guidelines for Academic Integrity.
- Július Kravjar, European Network for Academic Integrity, Slovakia (head)
- Irene Glendinning, Coventry University, United Kingdom
- Laura Ribeiro, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal
- Milan Ojsteršek, University of Maribor, Slovenia
- Shiva Sivasubramaniam, University of Derby, United Kingdom
- Tomáš Foltýnek, Masaryk University, Czechia
Would you like to become a member of the working group? Please, contact Julius Kravjar.
Glossary for Academic Integrity
The Glossary for Academic Integrity comprises 212 terms related to academic integrity presented in alphabetical order. Each term is accompanied by a definition, and if relevant, common synonyms are presented.
The Glossary continues to evolve, with the addition of novel terms and by updating definitions of existing terms.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: On 15th February 2023, the definitions of "Contract Cheating" and "Plagiarism" were updated in German, Greek, Latvian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish Glossaries
General Guidelines for Academic Integrity
The General Guidelines for Academic Integrity serve as a supportive document for the Glossary for Academic Integrity. They serve to help build common understandings of integrity issues in both academia and business. The Guidelines suggest the minimum academic integrity-related standards for academic activities as well as describes minimum responsibilities of various stakeholders in academia.
Would you like to propose changes to the ENAI Glossary for Academic Integrity or to the General Guidelines for Academic Integrity?
Feel free to make your suggestions here
ENAI Working Groups
All groups are open to ENAI members and supporters, as well as anyone else who wants to contribute to the group activities. Anyone who is interested in joining any of the working group, is invited to contact the head of the group.