ENAI's Governance
The European Network for Academic Integrity is built upon a network of members, it is a non-profit non-governmental organization registered in Czechia. ENAI’s mission is to support higher education institutions and individuals to work together in the field of academic integrity. ENAI focuses on the promotion of academic integrity values through the development and free availability of educational resources about academic integrity, and aims to provide education, support, and a space for the establishment of collaborations.
Any educational institution (no matter its geographic location) can become a member, and anyone can join ENAI as an individual member.
Find out more about ENAI in our story, see the details of the membership in ENAI, or check our transparency through annual reports.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting is composed of an assembly of all Members and it is the supreme body of ENAI.
It is held once a year: typically together with the annual conference. The AGM discusses the activity of ENAI for the previous calendar year, adopts a budget for the following calendar year, accepts the principles of activities for the following calendar year, elects and dismisses the Board and the Auditing Group, and adopts other decisions of fundamental importance for ENAI’s existence and activities.
AGM’s main competencies:
- determining the main focus of the activities of ENAI,
- deciding about the adoption and amendments of the Constitution,
- approving the financial statement for the previous period presented by the Board,
- making decisions about obligation of membership fee, its amount and due date,
- approving economic result of ENAI,
- electing members of the Board and members of the Auditing Group.
The Board is an authorized representative of ENAI, it manages its activities and acts on its behalf. The Board consists of five members.
Any person affiliated with a member institution or an individual member can be elected to the Board. Members of the Board are elected by the AGM for three years. The members of the Board elect the President and the Vice-president from their ranks. The President is responsible for the activities of the Board.
Find previous Boards here.
Board’s main competencies:
- Planning and overseeing activities of ENAI,
- Overseeing finances,
- Approving new members,
- Deciding on the exclusion of members,
- Appointing ENAI staff,
- Appointing heads of working groups,
- Proposeing the annual budget,
- Reporting to the AGM.
Auditing Group
The Auditing Group is the control authority of ENAI, which is responsible for overseeing all its activities. The Auditing Group reviews the financial statements and the proposed settlement of the surplus, and submits its observations, recommendations and proposals to the AGM. The Auditing Group consists of three persons with three years of tenure, it is elected by the AGM. Members of the Auditing Group cannot be members of the Board.
Find previous Auditing Groups here.
Working Groups
The working groups are the heart of ENAI’s activities. They are established and dissolved by the Board. The Board also appoints heads of the working groups, who approve other members of the group and report regularly to the Board.
Any employee or student of a member institution or an individual member can become a member of a working group. Currently, there are 14 working groups with various focus areas.
To join a working group, simply contact the head of the particular working group. The contacts are on the working groups’ profiles.
Executive Manager
The executive manager is appointed and dismissed by the Board and is responsible to the Board. The executive manager is employed with ENAI and cannot be a Board member or an Auditing Group member. The executive manager performs tasks given by the Board and is responsible for the operation of the network.
Main tasks and responsibilities:
- Coordination of events and activities,
- Maintenance and development of ENAI’s website and database of educational materials,
- Management of ENAI promotional activities,
- Providing support towards ENAI members,
- Providing support towards ENAI working groups,
- Preparation of ENAI newsletter.