What to do when AI tools publish papers under your name?

“Leading international scientists who discovered articles written by artificial intelligence that have been published in their name have backed plans for legal action.”

Jack Grove. Identity theft victims back legal action against journals. Times Higher Education, 2nd February 2023. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/identity-theft-victims-back-legal-action-against-journals Accessed: 16th February 2023


Recently, concerns have been raised by the scientific community over the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools (e.g. ChatGPT) in different settings and the challenges for academic and research integrity. Particularly at Higher Education Institutions, concerns have been raised about students’ use of such tools and how to detect assignments made by AI tools.

Another issue has recently sparked attention and concerns about identity theft by low-quality journals that publish papers written by AI tools under leading scientists’ names. The victims of such identity theft have made several efforts to remove their names from publications (often just one page) with no success. This issue identified several problems, including reputation and career damage, and misleading information. Nevertheless, some scientists claim the low quality of such publications and the use of famous fictional bylines make it easy to spot those fraudulent papers. However, with the rise of AI technology, it is critical to consider the implications for scientific publications and make all efforts to close such low-quality publishers.


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