Hello everyone,

a few months back I have written an article about an open source project we are working on: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/data-driven-approach-to-forms-with-react-c69fd4ea7923

Today, I have discovered (I was googling references to our project) that an another author has used whole paragraphs from my article in his tutorial on the same web without any citations: https://medium.com/@yudhajitadhikary/how-to-create-reactive-forms-using-data-driven-forms-in-react-be551a774ff1

I would like to ask how I should act now? It’s an open source project, so I am glad that someone else writes about it, however, I don’t like the fact the author is using parts of my article without any consent and acknowledgements.


Tomáš Foltýnek Answered question 23. 4. 2020